(c) 2024 Michael Adamidis. Digital Art - Painted in Photoshop with the MA-Brushes, The MA-Colors and the MA-Texture Canvas.
About the powerful MA-BRUSHES 2:
► https://www.adamidis-art.com/ma-brushes-2/
About the MA-Colors - Experience the color revolution for digital painting:
► https://www.adamidis-art.com/best-color-swatches-for-digital-art-painting/
All my fully narrated digital painting COURSES:
► https://www.adamidis-art.com/digital-art-store/
Get the MA-Brushes together with my best step-by-step digital painting courses in BUNDLES!
In other words: Brushes, Textures, Courses, Colors for painting! Have the best of the best tools in your hands.
Let us stay connected and follow for more to come,
Find also on my profile the link to my YouTube Channel.
- Michael